The purposes of this procedure are:
- to disable UAC for a specific program, and still keep the Windows UAC setting as it is.
- to login Windows as normal user and run the program without entering administrator password.
For Windows 10 please download this program:
Please install “Application Compatibility Tools”. The others are not necessary, you can uncheck them all.
Please follow the instructions here:
- In the Start menu find the shortcut Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit 5.0\Compatibility Administrator. Right click it and click Run as administrator.
- In the left hand pane, right-click on the database under Custom Databases and select Create New, and select Application Fix.
- Enter the name and other details of the application you want to alter behavior on and then browse to it to select it. Click Next.
- Click Next until you are in the Compatibility Fixes screen. On the Compatibility Fixes screen, find the item RunAsInvoker, and check it.
Click Next and then Finish. - Select File -> Save As. Save the file as a filename.SDB type file in a directory you will easily find it.
Then copy the <filename>.sdb file to the computer you want to alter the elevation prompt behavior on.
- Click Start -> All Programs -> Accessories. Right click Command Prompt and click Run as administrator.
- Run the command below:
sdbinst <path>\<filename>.sdb
For example, if you saved the .SDB file as abc.sdb in the c:\Windows folder, the command should be like this:
sdbinst c:\windows\abc.sdb
It should prompt: Installation of <name> complete. - Done.
For Windows 7 please download the previous version tool here:
Good Blogpost, but not working for me. I tried to configure "Diskpart.exe" in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\. It is a 32bit Application. Message still showing up. Any suggestions?
Seems to be very clear instructions but it did not work for me either. Am using a Seagate Dashboard program that throws a UAC screen on every boot up for "Startservices.exe". Having already installed and setup this software, I need to keep the backup service going but am very annoyed by the UAC screen. But could not solve the problem following your procedure here. Should the NDB file be saved in any particular folder?
Sorry, I meant SDB file (not NDB).
For Laura:
Great article - thanks. Please update step 7 to exclude the path as an argument to sdbinst, and use only the *.sdb file. Apparently, we only need to CD to the directory where the sdb file was saved. Thanks.
This doesn't work for me
How do you reverse this? I tried this and the app now won't start unless I right click and select "run as admin" despite the option being ticked under properties.
@Nonesi did you find a way to reverse it?
The application I used it on goes to start but after its initial launch screen nothing happens.
Did not work for me. I was trying to do this in Arc Games Launcher, but instead, it only made it worse, didn't run at all, saying I didn't had enough privileges.
So I managed to revert it. Just open the Compatibility Administrator, on the left pane, look for "Installed Databases". Uninstall the ones you made. Problem solved. I guess I will just disable UAC or use some other alternative software.
Does not work for me either. Trying to get an ancient photo editing product called Lview Pro version 1.D2 to work. It works fine in the Test mode inside the ADK but not after I import the sdb.
Just used this method for a overclocking utility and it worked perfectly, thanks
Does not work. When I applied the fix as instructed the app opened without the UAC but showed an error message because it wasn't run as administrator. When I set the app to automatically run as administrator the UAC was restored. Waste of time.
Try "UAC Trust Shortcut" . It's much simpler and actually works
Worked perfectly for me, thanks.
Worked perfectly for me, thanks. We had to apply the fix to MYOB.
Minor notes:
After installation Windows 10 Pro 1910, the msft app was found under "Windows Kits" in the Start menu.
Myob is 32-bit, so use that version of the kit
In step 3, click Next twice (tho 'Run as Invoker' is also available after the first 'Next')
In step 5, there seems to be two 'saves'; one to save the database with a name; and the following one with the savefile dialog as shown in the above screenshot
Step 7 is perfect as shown (one commenter said it is not)
Worked great! Thanks so much.
Thank you so much - worked perfectly for me also to fix MYOB. Only glitch I had was I had a space in the file name - removed the space and all sorted.
Hi there, I can't find step 6" Click Start -> All Programs -> Accessories. Right click Command Prompt and click Run as administrator." on my computer, Windows 10. Any ideas?
ok found it now.
Managed to get all the way to running it and I received this error: "This file does not have an app associated with it for performing this action. Please install an app or, if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Apps Settings Page." What did I do wrong???
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