If you would like to get rid of the time sync issue, but the job-site does not allow internet connection. You can setup a internal NTP server to solve this.
The NTP server is good for:
- Sync all NVRs and cameras time.
- Events and logs will be easier to analyze if there is a event.
Configure a windows computer as NTP server in your LAN network, and set other NVRs and cameras sync to it.
If you have turned on firewall or anti-virus software, the NTP server may not work, please modify your configuration to allow NTP server connection.
1. Run command prompt
2. Disabled NTP client in Group Policy
type “gpupdate /force” like following
3.Locate registry entry and change 2 values:
==> Change the value from 10 to 5 (it means to use local CMOS time clock, KB314054)
Change the value from 0 to 1
4. In the command prompt Run "net stop w32time && net start w32time"
5. How to check NTP server,
a. command "w32tm /query /configuration" to view if not show “NtpClient local”
Checking on NTP client ,
b. command “w32tm /resync” and “w32tm /query /source” to show if successful
The firewall setting need to allow port 123 UDP inbound and outbound connection.
If you are not familiar with firewall setting, you can refer to the attached file.
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